Keelstraat 92, Vilvoorde, België
2021 | Top of Mind Coaching | Familie- en systemische opstellingen |
2020 | Blue Sky International | Mentor Supervisor Training Program |
2019 | Korn Ferry | Leadership Styles and Climate |
2018 - 2019 | Coaching Intelligence | Introductie tot Psychopathologie voor Coaches |
2018 | Sundoor | Breathwork Practitioner |
2014 - 2016 | The Four Winds Society | Health Coaching, Luminous Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine |
2013 | Center for Transformational Presence | Alan Seale’s Transformational Presence Leadership Coaching |
2011 - 2018 | International Breathwork Foundation | Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) : jaarlijks seminarie voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling – 1 week |
2011 - 2014 | Ecole Européenne du Souffle Conscient | Opleiding tot Rebirthing |
2011 - 2013 | Le Cercle de vie | Coaching de l’être |
2011 | Eleria | The Human Element, van W. Schutz |
2009 | OPP | MBTI Certified Professional, levels I et II |
2008 - 2009 | Therapeutia | Emotional Freedom Technique, levels I et II |
2006 - 2008 | BAO Elan Vital – Coaching & Mentoring | Professional Coaching: cyclus Explorer, Discoverer & Expert |
1986 - 1990 | ULB | Master economische wetenschappen |
Andere opleidingen | Communicatie technieken, Effective Presentation Skills, Performance Management, Project Management, Emotional Intelligence, Conflictbeheer, Selectie- en wervingsgesprekken, Onderhandelen met vakbonden, Stressbeheer, Evaluatie van opleidingen, Train the Trainer, Lach Yoga, Ecorituelen, Ritual Trance Dance, Introductie tot Ayurveda, AdemhalingsPsychothérapie, Storytelling,… |
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6 februari 2025 17:59 lokale tijd
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